
I would like to present the objectives that I had in mind when I started to write the first lines of code for Joone.


My dream was (and still is) to create the necessary framework to enable the implementation of a new approach to the use of neural networks. I felt this necessity because the biggest (and unresolved until now) difficulty is to find the fittest network for a given problem, without falling into local minima, thus allowing one to discover the best neural network architecture for the problem.



Okay – you'll say – this is what we can do simply by training some randomly initialized neural network with a supervised or unsupervised algorithm. Yes, that is true, but this is just scholastic theory, because training only one neural network, especially for the hard problems found in real life situations, is rarely enough to permit the discovery of optimal solutions. In addition, finding the best neural network can be a daunting task simply because we need to determine numerous parameters for any given network. Parameters such as the number of the layers, number of neurons for each layer, the transfer function, the value of the learning rate and the momentum may all require extensive manipulation while searching for problem solutions. This difficulty often leads to many frustrating failures.



That being said my basic idea is to provide an environment which will facilitate the training of many neural networks in parallel, initialised with different weights different parameters and different architectures, enabling investigators an opportunity to find the best neural network simply by selecting the fittest neural network after the training processes.


In addition these processes could continue retraining the selected neural networks until some final parameter is reached (e.g. a low RMSE value). Similar to distillation processes the best architecture would be distilled by Joone, not by the user!



Many programs in existence today permit the selection of the fittest neural network by the application of genetic algorithms. I want to go beyond this. My goal is to build a flexible environment programmable by the end user, thereby permitting the implementation of any currently existing or newly discovered global optimisation algorithm. This is why Joone has its own distributed training environment and why it is based on a cloneable engine.


Moreover, my dreams do not terminate with a flexible environment but extend to providing the ability for Joone end users to not only use but also distribute trained neural networks to others for their use. For example, I'm imagining an assurance company that continuously trains many neural networks on customer risk evaluations[1] (perhaps using the results of historical cases), distributing the best ‘distilled' (or genetically evolved) neural network to its sales force, so that they can use optimized neural networks on their mobile devices.


This is why neural networks built with Joone are serializable, remotely transportable and easily runnable using simple, small and generalized programs using any wired or wireless protocol. It also means that my dream can become a more solid reality thanks to the advent of handheld devices like mobile phones and PDAs which contain Java virtual machines. Joone is ready to run on them.



I sincerely hope you will find our work interesting and useful and I thank you for giving Joone a try.



Paolo Marrone

and the Joone team


The ethics (and the law in many countries) forbids one from making racial, sexual, religious (and others) discriminations. Consequently, a decisional system based on such personal characteristics ought not to be built.

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