
  原标题:Should children run a mile each day? 儿童应该每天都跑一英里吗?


  英国发起了一项活动,号召英国的小学在课程安排中加入每天跑步一英里( 1.6 公里)的时段,从而提高学生的身体健康状况。请听 BBC 记者 Robert Pigott 发回的报道。

  The daily mile began four years ago at St Ninians primary school in Stirling and is now strongly backed by the Scottish government.

  Although a university study into the effects of the 15-minute run round the playground is yet to publish its findings, St Ninians' former head teacher, Elaine Wyllie, claims it's reduced levels of obesity, improved fitness and benefitted sleep patterns and concentration in class.

  Mrs Wyllie, who won last year's Pride of Britain Teacher of the Year award for coming up with the idea, says schools in several English counties, as well as others in the rest of Europe and the United States, are committed to adopting it.

  In at least one case, in West Cheshire, the group that commissions health services is helping to subsidise the initiative, saying that it expects to benefit from improved adult health and lower costs in the future.


  backed 受到支持

  findings 调查或研究结果

  sleep patterns 睡眠规律

  concentration 注意力

  adopting 采纳

  commissions 委任

  subsidise 补贴、资助

  initiative 新倡议、新



  1. What did a university study discover about the benefits of running?

  2. True or false: The idea for students to do a one-mile run came from a school in the United States.

  3. Which in the report means ‘the state of being extremely overweight'?

  4. How do some health experts in West Cheshire think this idea will help people's fitness?


  1. What did a university study discover about the benefits of running?

  We don't know yet. It is yet to publish its findings.

  2. True or false: The idea for students to do a one-mile run came from a school in the United States.

  False: This idea started at a school in Scotland but some schools in the United States are committed to adopting it.

  3. Which in the report means'the state of being extremely overweight'?


  4. How do some health experts in West Cheshire think this idea will help people's fitness?

  They think it will help to improve adult health and save them money at the same time.


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