

  These two days, an article entitled “ strangers kiss, was such an experience micro channel is transmitted at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)'s micro-channel circle of friends, where there have been 60127 hits.


  According to Modern Express reporter, the author is Liu Ke, an undergraduate in NUAA. He and a group of students who are interested in photography created the photography team. In mid-March, they launched the 'Hello Stranger' campaign in Nanjing universities and many students responded to this activity. Participants were asked to kiss with a stranger and express trust between each other. Some even gave the first kiss in this activity.


  “Although strangers know nothing about each other, but you can really get a warming feeling in your heart with the most tender human touch.” On April 2, Liu expressed in the micro-channel public number 'Southern wrote the photo”.


  Young man told reporters that they had invited 20 students from colleges in Nanjing city to come to take part in this “dramatic encounter” – to wear goggles and to communicate with strangers through kisses.


  At first the idea came from a similar period of online video. “After I watch the video, I want to have a try and see everyone's attitude.” As soon as the activity was launched, there were many college students coming to sign up, with the age range from 18 to 23 years old. One of them even gave the first kiss.


  Before kissing, Liu reminded the participants to wear decently. They made pairs according to a random combination of “first come, first served”. On March 19, Liu shot the video and the clip, then he put it online on April 2. He stressed that “this is just a kiss, an opportunity to express trust to strangers, because strangers have no hatred between lovers falling into the gap. There is also no quarrel trouble. It is just pure trust and a little expectation about the strangers kiss.”


  For privacy reasons, Liu could not provide the Modern Express reporter those participants' school names, their own names and phone numbers. However, the participants expressed their attitude through his video posted. The youngest student was only 18 years old, the biggest was 23 years old. A lot of people expressed their feelings of 'very strange, would like to try.' 'I feel very interesting' 'Since we are young, I wanted to try it out. If I miss the feeling, it will be particularly unfortunate.'


  A girl who have never kissed expressed her feelings, “ I feel a little strange and nervous since it is my first experience.” When asked about the meanings for kiss, she said, “I think it is an intimate relationship in the best of times, which can make the relationship with each other much closer”. However, some people also said: “In addition to the secretion of hormones, I think it's pointless.” After the event, almost everyone said they did not regret to participate in this activity. Because of the need for photos and videos, Liu can not participate in the micro-channel pair kissing. Many Users made comments after they watched the photos and videos : “If it is really the first kiss, it will be quite significant.” “Why do we graduate so early,'” Some users even said: '.. Ma Ma watched and laughed, saying that you really amazing.'


  Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering (microblogging) Mental Health Education Center Liu Fuliang teacher said, he often said in the class of psychology that desire and heterosexual contact is normal during the college time, but the students need to use correct behaviors to acquire the psychological satisfaction.

  南京理工大学心理健康教育服务中心刘富良老师说,他在教授心理学这门课程时常说, 在读大学这个年龄段,学生渴望和异性接触是正常的,但要用健康行为方式获得心理的满足。

  He said that kiss was originally a move between lovers. “Kissing between strangers can express confidence, but it is a little beyond the acceptance and I feel too earth-shattering.' In the interpersonal communication, a certain relationship corresponds to a certain behavior. Ordinary relationship will be normally shown by slight handshaking or hanging up on shoulders or hugging. Kissing on the cheek can be a reflection of closer relationship. Kiss or other physical contact are what the couples usually do in their romantic relationship.”


  Liu Fuliang believes that strangers lack the basic understanding between each other. Such intimate act as kiss is uncoordinated with the general impersonal development . Kiss also involves the issue of the exchange of saliva, which has health risks to some degree. It is normal for students who are in the budding youth to pursue fresh experience and excitement, but they should pay attention to taking a more suitable manner, such as taking photos or give a friendly hug.


  Students have different ways of expressing emotions in different eras. Fang is one of post-60s generation, who enrolled Nanjing University in the 1980s . He said the strangers did not have the feelings of distrust at that time. Everyone was enthusiastic. They would shake hands and give self-introductions at the first meeting. Not to mention kissing among strangers, even hugging was very excessive. Kiss was the privilege between couples. Student Liu was born in the late 1990s. He said it was also impossible for two strangers to kiss. Usually people would see that a pair who were falling in love feeding each other in public places.


  Zhang was the college student in the first 10 years of this century. She said: “ In fact, kissing strangers is not an extraordinary thing. We've just fallen behind the times and been shot dead on the beach by post-90s” She forwarded Liu Ke's micro letter to her college roommates in the circle of friends and their roommates made comments that “'hormone is a wonderful thing.”


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