
  Guns on Campus


  Academics at the University of Houston have been advised to exercise caution when discussing “sensitive topics” as they prepare to teach students who may be armed with a handgun。

  Under a Texas law that comes into effect in August, students with a license to carry concealed weapons will be able to attend lectures with their firearms。 University administrators are forbidden from banning weapons on campus and any professor who tries to enforce a gun-free classroom could be sued by the state。

  The University of Houston has briefed its faculty on how to deal with students armed with something even more powerful than deductive logic (演绎逻辑)。Tutors were told not to “go there if you sense anger, “or to ”drop the subject。“ A slide (幻灯片) entitled ”You may want to“ suggested that professors should limit out-of-hours contact with students and meet them only in controlled circumstances。

  Jonathan Snow, president of the University of Houston‘s faculty senate, said the slide show was part of a discussion among faculty members, rather than a policy document。

  Asked what subjects professors might be advised to drop, he said: “You know the list。 We just have to think about it。 It‘s not like we are going to say, ‘I'm not going to discuss abortion ever again, ‘but because there are more guns on campus, people carrying guns and coming on to campus with them, all of a sudden we have to think about these things a little bit more。”

  Academics are expected to mount a legal challenge against the new requirements laid down by the Second Amendment to the American constitution, which guarantees the right to bear arms。

  Dr。 Snow is not hopeful that they will succeed。 “I wouldn‘t challenge the Second Amendment because you know what will happen, “he said。

  His organization voiced its opposition to the new law last year, noting that “the American tradition of a weapon-free campus was formulated by the University of Virginia Board of Visitors, including Thomas Jefferson on October 1824。”

  The National Rifle Association, which has pushed to arm students, declared on its website last summer: “We know that campus carry doesn‘t lead to problems, because permit holders have proven time and again to be even more law-abiding than the citizenry at large。”



  休 斯顿大学已经向它的教师简单介绍了如何对待那些持有比逻辑更强大的武器的学生。导师们被告诫,“如果你察觉对方的愤怒,就不要谈论那话题”,或者“直接放 弃这个话题”。一张题为“你可能想要……”的幻灯片建议教授们应该控制课外时间面见学生的次数,并且在可控的环境下与学生见面。







  Word power

  ① academic n。高等院校教师

  ② sensitive adj。敏感的

  ③ concealed adj。隐藏的

  ④ enforce v。强行实施

  ⑤ sue v。控告,起诉

  ⑥ brief v。向。。。。。。做简报

  ⑦ abortion n。堕胎

  ⑧ mount v。组织,安排

  ⑨ opposition n。反对

  Choose the best answer。

  1。 What is the possible result if a professor doesn‘t allow the students to carry weapons to his lecture?

  A。 The professor will be shot by the students。

  B。 The professor will be punished by the university。

  C。 The professor will be sued by the state。

  D。 The professor will be forced to change his subject。

  2。 Which of the following is NOT a tip for the professors to handle the armed students?

  A。 To inform the schools of possible conflict。

  B。 Not to get close to the armed students if they sense their anger。

  C。 To give up the subject if necessary。

  D。 To communicate with the students in controlled environments。

  3。 We can infer from the passage that the attitude towards armed students among academics is ______。

  A。 supportive B。 optimistic

  C。 disapproving D。 serious

  4。 As is implied in the passage, opposition to carrying guns on campus is unlikely to be successful, because ______。

  A。 many students support the idea of carrying weapons in school

  B。 the academics are not brave enough to challenge the law

  C。 challenging the Second Amendment is impossible

  D。 the National Rifle Association will fight back

  答案: CACC


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