
Peer Guidance



Dozens of students crowded into a small conference room at Loudoun County High School in Leesburg, Virginia, to learn about Advanced Placement classes.


Unlike similar sessions-typically led by teachers or counselors-the seminar was conducted by four student leaders who had taken nearly every AP test the school offers. They stood in the front of the darkened room, delivering a slide presentation and sharing their experiences with the underclassmen.


The session was part of a weekly series-called “student professional development seminars” – that the school launched this year to help students succeed in high school and prepare for college. It's the only such program in Loudoun to be led by students, school officials said.


The 30-minute sessions cover topics such as preparing for Advanced Placement, and SAT and ACT tests. In the seminar on AP classes, senior Maria Brock told the underclassmen that the curriculum moves at a much faster pace than they are used to. “But don't worry,” she said. ” It may seem really difficult at first, but once you get into it, it will get much better.”

这个30分钟会议涉及话题包括跳级考试准备以及SAT美国学业能力倾向测验(Scholastic Aptitude Test,是高中生升入大学必须通过的测验)和ACT美国大学入学考试(American College Test)备考。

在AP课程研讨会上,高年级的玛丽亚 • 布罗克告诉低年级的学生们,越到高年级,上课进度越快。“但别担心,”她说。“也许,它们一开始看起来真的很难,但一旦你习惯了,就觉得好多了。”

Senior Noelle Branch urged the students to be diligent in citing their sources in research papers. Brock warned against plagiarism. Sophomore Nia Dumas said some teachers use online tools that indicate what percentage of a paper has been copied.


Younger students appreciate hearing from their peers. “Kids just have a different way of relating to one another.” said Prof. Shawn, organizer of the program. The seminar series was sparked by a survey of the faculty to determine which qualities they thought were most important for the school's graduates. Words such as “confident,” “compassionate,” “critical thinkers” and “lifelong learners” came to the fore. The goal of the seminars is to develop students who have those qualities.


Luttrell asked the Students' Union to take on the project because she wanted them to become more involved in academics. When she came to the school last year, the Students' Union had been focused mainly on social development, she said.


“They are elected by their peers to lead,” she said, “so they need to focus on both dimensions, academic and social.”


Brock said that she approaches her presentations by thinking back to her freshman year and asking herself, “What would I have wanted to know?”



1. Which of the following is NOT a topic that the sessions cover?

A. Advanced Placement.

B. The SAT.

C. The ACT.



2. We can infer from the article that ______.

A. many students don't take the AP curriculum seriously at first

B. students find it difficult to catch up with others if they are left behind in the courses

C. improvement in their study will be made when they get familiar with the courses

D. courses in universities tend to be very difficult


3. The seminar is popular among students because______.

A. students are more likely to identify with their peers

B. more activities will be available to the students

C. fewer assignments are given in the seminar

D. professors give more interesting lectures in the seminar


4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. The Students' Union failed to assume its responsibility to introduce the courses.

B. Regular lectures are not popular among university students.

C. Being a volunteer as a teacher in university is a tough job for most senior students.

D. The Students' Union used to lay more emphasis on social activities.


答案: DCAD

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