

  Phone Scams Target Students.

  Students are being warned and educated against phone scams (电话诈骗) after two tragic incidents that occurred at the beginning of the new school term.


  Two students, both from underprivileged (贫困的) families, were preparing to enter university when they received a phone call. The incoming call appeared to be from the Ministry of Education (教育部) telling the students to draw financial aid (助学金). But before that, they had to “activate” their bank cards by sending their tuition fees to a so-called “Ministry's bank account.” The students sent the money, but the whole thing was a scam. The money went into the bank account of a gang of thieves and then quickly disappeared. When the students learned that they had been tricked—that their money had been stolen and that their dreams of going to university had been shattered—their heart sank, which cost them their lives.


  In order to protect students and others from becoming scam victims, Public Security Minister Guo Shengkun (公安部部长郭声琨) has designated phone fraud (诈骗) a “major public hazard (危害)” and asked banks and telecoms firms (电信公司) to help the police catch the gangs。 He is also calling on the public, especially young people, to become more aware of phone fraud. Some universities have already begun educating students about the different ways these cunning (奸诈的) telecom criminals operate. Jiangsu University requires students to pass an online test about fraud. Other universities are providing information booklets and lectures to help students protect themselves from scammers.


  Here are some of the things students are warned against. Using public Wi-Fi: hackers can “clone” your phone and get access to your bank account information. Old phones: if you trade in your old phone, hackers can still retrieve (找回) your information even though it may have been deleted. Oversharing information online: by giving too much information to new “friends” online, you may become the victim of identity theft. Online surveys: scammers may promise you a small prize or reward for taking part in a survey, but first you have to give them all your personal information.


  There are dozens of phone scams that criminals use, so please be careful about giving out your personal information or responding to demands for money. We don't want you to become a victim, too.




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