

  Doctor Strange, the latest superhero to dominate the big screen, is the first mainstream leading role for Benedict Cumberbatch (本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇), who developed a steady following through his lead role as the BBC's Sherlock (“神探”夏洛克), and in his Oscar-nominated performance in 2014's The Imitation Game (《模仿游戏》).



  Produced by Marvel Studios (漫威影业), the film Doctor Strange follows the story of a talented neurosurgeon (神经外科医生), Dr. Stephen Strange. After a tragic car accident, the man has to put his ego (自负) aside and learn the secrets of a hidden world of mysticism (神秘主义) and alternate dimensions (多维空间). Based in New York City's Greenwich Village (格林尼治村), Doctor Strange must act as an intermediary (中间人) between the real world and what lies beyond, using a wide range of magic powers to protect the Marvel cinematic universe.


  Scott Derrickson, the director of Doctor Strange, insisted on Benedict's leading role in the film although Benedict originally rejected the role because of a conflict between starring in Hamlet and being available for the film's strict start date. Marvel Studios pushed back the film to wait for the British actor. Production got underway nearly a year later.


  ”Benedict is perfect as Doctor Strange, because he has the combination of high education and high intelligence. I believe that he can be a top neurosurgeon,” Derrickson said.


  Born with theater in his blood, Benedict was involved in numerous Shakespearean works at school. After graduating with a master's degree in Classical Acting from University of Manchester, Benedict continued his training as an actor at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (伦敦音乐艺术学院). Over the years he has received numerous awards and nominations for acting.


  ”He's so smart and has incredible depth, feelings and range as an actor. In the film he has to play this arrogant (自大的) neurosurgeon that goes through this emotional journey. He goes through a lot of pain, suffering, confusion, anger and then enlightenment (顿悟),” said Derrickson, who believed Benedict had the ability to give the audience emotion even in the middle of an action scene.


  The film has received positive early reviews, with critics praising the plot, the visuals and the performances. On November 4, fans will finally get to see Benedict portray the world-famous doctor turned mystical magician. Will you join them and check it out?




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