

As the Marvel Cinematic Universe (漫威电影宇宙) enters its third phase, we learn more about some lesser-known corners of it—beginning with Doctor Strange and the world of magic。


  Created by artist Steve Ditko in 1963, Doctor Strange is characterized as a serious-minded figure whose priorities lie beyond the realm (活动范围) of characters like the Avengers (复仇者联盟)。 Thanks to Ditko's art and the comics' supernatural themes, Doctor Strange accidentally captured the spirit of the 1960s。 Throughout that early period, however, readers could only find him by turning over to the back of an adventure comic starring the Fantastic Four (神奇四侠)。


  Doctor Strange's fantasy world is consistently interesting even after a new creative team covered the comics in the late 1980s, expanding the world created by Ditko。 Doctor Strange's early story frames often lacked emotional weight。 All those fights tended to be disconnected from any human impact on Earth。 Comics like the 1987 Strange Tales series tackled this by going deeper into Strange's role as a powerful yet distant figure in the Marvel Universe, exploring his moral ambiguity (模棱两可) and occasionally aggressive attitude。


  From 2013 to 2015, Jonathan Hickman wrote Avengers and New Avengers as two interlocking (紧密连接的) storylines。 Despite being an ensemble (全体) story, New Avengers may be the most narratively interesting Doctor Strange comic to date。 To protect their own world, Doctor Strange stepped forward to successfully prevent a series of global disasters。 Readers get a better look at his detached (超然的) attitude, which sets him apart from others on the team。


  This year Marvel launched a new Doctor Strange series。 Written by Jason Aaron and drawn by Chris Bachalo, the new series is a funny adventure story。 Stephen Strange is intentionally portrayed as a little arrogant (傲慢的), striding through New York among the monsters that only he can see。


  It's nowhere near as strange as the earlier comics。 In the decades since Steve Ditko, that original counter-culture (反主流文化的) role has been taken up by more experimental comics, leaving Doctor Strange to enter the mainstream realm and eventually become a Hollywood brand。



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