

  The Harry Potter author JK Rowling has shared some withering rebuffs publishers sent to her alter ego Robert Galbraith, in an effort to comfort aspiring authors.

  《哈利.波特》系列作者JK.罗琳为激励其他作家,自曝数位出版商对其署名为 Robert Galbraith的作品的冷酷无情的退稿信。

  Rowling posted the rejection letters on Twitter after a from a fan. They related to The Cuckoo's Calling, her first novel as Galbraith. But Rowling also saw Harry Potter turned down several times before the boy wizard became one of the greatest phenomena in children's literature, with sales of more than 400m copies worldwide.

  应某位粉丝的要求,罗琳在自己的推特账号上贴出了这几封退稿信。这些信件的内容全部与《布谷鸟的呼唤》这本小说有关。《布谷鸟的呼唤》是罗琳以 Robert Galbraith的笔名发表的首部作品。而罗琳的《哈利.波特》系列在全世界已卖出了4亿余本,成为了儿童史上的一座高峰,在此之前也曾数次遭到出版商的拒绝。

  Asked how she kept motivated, she tweeted: “I had nothing to lose and sometimes that makes you brave enough to try.”


  When she pitched under the name Galbraith without revealing her true identity, she faced many more snubs. Since then, Galbraith has published three successful novels but the first was rejected by several publishers, and Rowling was even advised to take a writing course.


  Rowling erased the signatures when she posted the letters online, saying her motive was “inspiration not revenge”. She did not reveal the full text of the most brutal brush-off, which came by email from one of the publishers who had also rejected Harry Potter.


  Rowling said she could not share the Potter rejections because they “are now in a box in my attic” before offering the Galbraith letters. The kindest and most detailed rejection came from Constable & Robinson, who – despite the advice about a writing course – included helpful tips on how to pitch to a publisher (“as on book jackets – don't give away the ending!”). The publisher added: “I regret that we have reluctantly come to the conclusion that we could not publish it with commercial success.”

  在贴出这些信件前,罗琳表示自己无法和粉丝分享《哈利.波特》的退稿信“这些信现在都放在阁楼的箱子里了”。出版商Constable & Robinson的退稿信贴心又细致–除了上写作课的建议–还包括许多如何投稿的建议。该出版商接着写道“出版本书难以获得商业收益。得出此结论亦非我方所愿,对此我方深表遗憾。”

  The short note from publishers Crème de la Crime said the firm had become part of another publishing group and was not accepting new submissions.

  而另一家出版商Crème de la Crime在一份简短的回复中表示因公司被另一家出版社收购将不再接受新的投稿。

  When The Cuckoo's Calling eventually found a publisher in 2013, it was achieving respectable sales before the secret of its authorship broke, and it then shot to the top of the bestseller lists.


  Joanne Harris, author of a string of hit novels, joined the Twitter discussion to say she had so many rejections for her 1999 book Chocolat, later adapted as a Hollywood movie, that she had piled them up and “made a sculpture”.


  Rowling, Harris and their literary disciples are in excellent company. Eimear McBride, the 2014 Bailey's prizewinner for her first novel A Girl is a Half-formed Thing, accumulated a drawer full of rejection letters before a chance conversation led to her book being published by Galley Beggar, a tiny independent publisher in Norwich.

  罗琳、哈里斯和她们的后辈在这方面可谓一脉相承。艾米尔.麦克布莱德凭借处女作《女孩是件半成品》获得了2014的Bailey奖。她在机缘巧合下和诺里奇的独立小出版商 Galley Beggar会晤,并最终得以出版自己的小说。在此之前,麦克布莱德攒了整整一抽屉的退稿信。

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