双语:iPhone8销售惨淡 苹果股价创8周以来最低


  Apple's worst five days came after iPhone releaseApple turns in worst week in 1+ year: is this a buying opportunity?


  Shares of Apple dipped on Monday and flirted with correction territory following a report that the company had told suppliers to scale back shipments of parts for its upcoming iPhone X.

  周一,苹果公司股价下跌,其中一份报告显示该公司曾要求供应商减少其即将推出的iPhone X的零部件出货量。

  Digitimes, citing unnamed sources, reported that Apple suppliers were shipping just 40 percent of the components originally ordered for the premium phone, which goes on sale in early November.


  That added to concerns on Wall Street about demand for Apple's new devices after the launch on Friday of the iPhone 8, a less expensive model than the iPhone X, drew smaller crowds than previous launches.

  自iPhone 8在上周五后,由于其价格比iPhone X便宜,因此进一步吸引了原本就比较少的客户,因此这无疑增加了华尔街对苹果新设备需求的担忧。

  Apple did not immediately respond to a for comment.


  Some investors saw the tepid iPhone 8 debut as a sign that customers were holding out for the iPhone X, which boasts an edge-to-edge display and will sell in the United States for $999.

  一些投资者认为,iPhone 8的首次亮相标志着消费者对iPhone X产生了质疑,iPhone X采用无边框设计,在美国销售价为999美元。

  Amid a broad selloff in technology shares on Monday, Apple's stock was last down 0.7 percent. It earlier fell as much as 1.8 percent, bringing its loss since a record high on Sept. 1 to 9 percent.


  Many investors define a correction as a 10 percent decline. A stock in correction may be viewed as either a buying opportunity or as likely to fall further.


  I'd buy Apple in this pullback, said Wedbush trader Joel Kulina. “It's a high-priced product but super high end.”

  “我将在这个阶段买入苹果股票,”Wedbush trader Joel Kulina说。“虽然价格很高,但是它是高端产品。”

  While the number of people queuing up outside Apple stores has dropped over the past several years with many buyers choosing to shop online, the weak turnout for the latest iPhone has partly been due to poor reviews.


  Apple's stock recently traded at 13.8 times expected earnings, its lowest valuation since February, according to Thomson Reuters Datastream.


  Over the past two years, Apple's average forward price-to-earnings ratio has been 12.6.


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