
  The iPhone X is almost here, but one of Apple's biggest supporters isn't very excited for the new phone. Steve Wozniak, the Apple co-founder who's been cheering from the sidelines since he left the company in 1985, said he won't be picking up the iPhone X on day one in an interview with CNBC.

  Iphone x已经上市了,但是苹果公司最大的一位果粉却没有很热衷于新手机。苹果公司联合创始人Steve wozniak,自从1985年离开原公司后一直在背后支持着苹果公司,在CNBC的一场采访中表示,他不会在上市第一天换上iphone x。

  If you've been on the fence about Apple's new phone, Wozniak's decision may be enough to push you over the edge. Below, his explanation for taking a pass on the newest Apple gadget:

  如果你一直不确定该不该买苹果的新手机(这里指iPhone X),Wozniak的决定可能足以让你坚定立场。以下是他不会再考虑购买苹果最新产品的原因:

  The Woz (as his friends and fans call him) didn't offer a specific reason for his lack of interest in the iPhone X. He notes that he already has an iPhone 8, which he likes even while admitting it's very similar to the iPhone 7 and iPhone 6 before it. So it's possible he just doesn't think it's worth another upgrade this year.

  沃兹(他的朋友和粉丝这样称呼他)给出了他对Iphone X的没兴趣的明确理由。他解释道:他已经有了Iphone8,他认为Iphone8同之前的Iphone7/6颇为相似,因此,他认为今年没有必要升级手机了。

  “For some reason, the iPhone X is going to be the first iPhone I didn't -on day one -upgrade to,” Wozniak told CNBC, “but my wife will, so I'll be close enough to see it.”

  因为一些原因,Iphone x变成我第一个不会买的手机,不管他怎么升级。Wozniak说。但是我的妻子会一直更换新的Iphone,所以我会一直观望着它。

  The Apple co-founder also worries that Face ID-the new face-scanning technology that's replacing the Touch ID fingerprint scanner on the iPhone X-might not work perfectly at launch. That's a valid concern given Apple's track record with rolling out glitchy new features, though it seems unlikely that the company would risk such a huge blunder if Face ID weren't totally market ready.


  Wozniak has also changed his tune on Apple products in the past. Last year he warned Apple not to remove the headphone jack on the iPhone 7, but came out in support of the decision after the phone was officially announced. So it's possible we could see The Woz pick up an iPhone X pretty soon, as long as Face ID isn't a total disaster.


  In the meantime, you may want to take Wozniak's advice and go for the iPhone 8 instead.


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