

  • 双语:科学研究揭示我们为什么要接吻


      People kiss for the simple reason that it feels good. Our lips are full of sensitive nerve endings, which activate sensory areas in the brain. Kissing boosts the levels of neurotransmitter substances such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Dopamine triggers craving and desire, serotonin eleva ...


  • 双语:研究称爱晒美食照也是一种病


      有些人喜欢把每顿饭都拍成照片发到社交网站上,这种行为不止是烦,频繁晒食物照片也可能是种病。   Friends who seem to post a photo of every meal they eat on Instagram or Twitter may not just be annoying, they may have a problem.   有些人喜欢把每顿饭都拍成照片,发到社交网站上,这种行为不止很烦,这也可能是种病。   The trend of “foodstagramming” has bothered some restaurants to the poin ...


  • 双语:6个小贴士教你如何让手中的钱越变越多


      新的一年开始了,如何让手中的钱越变越多呢?本文告诉你6个小贴士。   Here’s another reason to get serious about saving — it’s a new year. Although the occasion isn’t going to turn us into smart savers, it sure is a good reminder. We all have our own methods of dealing with money, but here are a couple of saving tricks that will ...


  • 双语:中国多地大雪对生活工作造成严重破坏


      这段时间你的朋友圈都被大雪刷屏了吧。洁白的雪好美,可它也颇具破坏性。   BEIJING — Heavy snow has continued to cause havoc in parts of China, disrupting traffic and bringing low temperatures.   (北京电)——大雪持续在中国部分地区造成严重破坏,交通中断,低温肆虐。   Nineteen expressways in Northeast China’s Liaoning province have been closed or controlled sin ...


  • 双语:人类大脑难道真的有第六感吗


      不知道还有没有人看圣斗士,里面的第六感、第七感常常让我们质疑是不是真正的存在,现在一起来看看这个关于感官的有趣科学研究,你是不是也有过类似经历呢?   Recently, University of Glasgow psychologist and researcher Lisa DeBruine created a mini-sensation on social media when she tweeted a playful animated GIF in which an electrical transmission tower appears to be jumping r ...


  • 双语:你是否一直在用错误的方法洗头发


      资深发型师和洗发品牌告诉你,怎样才是正确不伤发的洗发方式。   You probably have your routine set for washing your hair. We’re going to try to change that.   你很可能一直在用错误的方法洗头发,我们将会在本文中试着改正你的错误习惯。   If you’re anything like us, you’re a disorganised mess who every other day squeezes a bunch of shampoo into your palm, whacks it o ...


  • 双语:心理学家告诉你起床后要做的第一件事是什么


      哈佛心理学家艾米.卡迪创造了一种理论,每天早晨,如何正确打开。这则理论非常简单,来看看吧!   Do you hate mornings? A Harvard psychologist has devised a method for making your mornings better. Before your feet even hit the floor, stretch!   你讨厌早晨吗?一名哈佛心理学家设计了一种,让我们早晨更开心的方法。在你下床之前,舒展身体。   Stretch out as big as you can in your bed. It’s that ...


  • 双语:想减缓肌肉衰老 就多做高强度运动

    双语:想减缓肌肉衰老 就多做高强度运动

      强肌肉锻炼不仅仅只是为了外表上的需要,而是强健的肌肉能让我们减缓衰老,远离疾病。   The toll that aging takes on a body extends all the way down to the cellular level. But the damage accrued by cells in older muscles is especially severe, because they do not regenerate easily and they become weaker as their mitochondria, which produce ...


  • 双语:为什么一到新年就要下决心


      再过几天,2018年就要张开怀抱迎接我们了,又到了下新年决心的时候。许多人在年初都会写下很多美好的新年决心,但是最终实现的人总是寥寥无几。既然新年决心难以坚持,为什么大家还要一年又一年不厌其烦地下这个决心呢?其实,新年决心是一项历史非常悠久的传统,早在四千年前,古人就播下了新年决心的种子。   Every time a new year rolls around, people set out to better themselves. They promise they will lose weight, find a new job, or maybe even take that ...


  • 双语:如何从一个人的睡姿看出性格


      人在睡眠时是最放松,最美防备的时候,因此也是最能体现性格的时候,今天小编就来教教你如何通过睡姿看性格。   Your body language can reveal a lot about your personality and your thoughts. But you’ll be surprised to know that your body is communicating even when you’re asleep. “Most people spend six or more hours per day sleeping, so of course y ...


  • 双语:中国方便面销量下降 原因你绝对猜不到

    双语:中国方便面销量下降 原因你绝对猜不到

      Easy to make and cheap to buy, instant noodles have long been China’s ultimate convenience food.   方便面既容易做又能便宜买到,所以一直是中国最便利的食品。   Be it a snack for students, a meal on the train, or just the go-to choice for hungry workers, more than 46.2 billion packets were sold in China in 2013.   它是学生们 ...


  • 双语:新年伊始日本年糕连夺两命


      Two people have died in Japan and several are in a critical condition after choking on traditional rice cakes as part of the new year celebrations.   日本有两人在迎新年中因食用传统年糕被噎住而死亡,另有几人情况危急。   They may seem harmless, but each year the hard-to-eat snack claims several lives, prompting annual warnings fr ...


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