

  ”I can't describe it in words … It was really unbelievable for me. It was absolutely amazing.” That's how 18-year-old Andrej Ciesielski describes his incredible, yet illegal, climb to the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza in broad daylight on Jan. 18.

  “我几乎没有办法用语言来形容,一切都太不可思议了。这种经历真是太棒了。”一位18岁少年Andrej Ciesielski这样描述1月18号光天化日之下攀爬吉萨大金字塔的亲身经历,这听起来难以置信,并且事实上也触犯了当地历史建筑的保护规定。

  The German tourist, who writes about the experience on his blog, says he first visited Cairo before hiring a taxi to take him to Giza.


  Though climbing the oldest and largest of the three pyramids could result in a three-year jail term, or something far worse if he lost his footing, “I thought the photos would be worth it,” Ciesielski says, per the Telegraph.


  Armed with a GoPro camera, “I just started climbing.” He took the first few steps quickly “so nobody would follow me and take me down,” he tells Business Insider.

  这位少年告诉Business Insider(美国知名在线平台),他带着摄像机镜头,随后就开始攀爬金字塔。刚开始其动作非常迅速以至于没有人能够追的上自己或者超过自己。

  It wasn't until he was about halfway up the 455-foot structure that police finally spotted him. Ciesielski kept climbing and reached the top in about eight minutes.


  Spectacular images on his blog show the surrounding pyramids and ancient dwellings. The view “was really, really amazing,” he says. Ciesielski took his time with his descent for safety reasons and was back on the ground in about 20 minutes, he writes.


  He was then taken into police custody. “At first, they wanted to take me to the German Embassy, but after a while I was released without anything further happening,” Ciesielski says.

  随后Ciesielski 就被警察拘留。他提到:“起初他们想把我带去德国大使馆,但不久后我就被释放了。”

  Officers declined to press charges on the condition that they delete all photographic evidence of his climb. Unbeknownst to police, Ciesielski had software that allowed him to recover the deleted images.

  在删除了所有关于Ciesielski攀爬金字塔照片证据的前提下,警察们并未对其提出控告。但警察并不知道的是,Ciesielski 利用一种软件就能使这些已被删除的照片还原。

  ”Some people were really angry, but I don't care,” Ciesielski says of his climb. “I didn't destroy anything. I didn't hurt anyone.” (Giza's pyramids may house secret passages.)

  提到这次攀爬金字塔的事迹,Ciesielski 提到:“很多人都对我的举动非常生气,但我并不在乎。我没有毁坏任何东西,同时我也没有伤害任何人。”(吉萨金字塔内或许设有秘密通道)

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