双语:西班牙发生惨烈恐怖袭击 已致13人死百人伤


  BRUSSELS — Spain came under repeated attack starting Thursday in what authorities called linked terrorist incidents, when a driver swerved a van into crowds in Barcelona's Las Ramblas, killing more than a dozen people and injuring scores of others. Early Friday, an attempted separate attack unfolded in a town down the coast. The Islamic State claimed responsibility for the Barcelona violence.

  布鲁塞尔电 周四起,西班牙遭到了多轮袭击,一名司机驾驶一辆货车突然转弯冲入巴塞罗那兰布拉斯大道的人群,致逾12人死亡,多人受伤,相关部门称其与恐怖活动有关。周五早间,另一起未遂袭击在一个海岸城镇展开。“伊斯兰国”宣布对巴塞罗那暴力负责。

  The initial attack broke the peace of a warm summer afternoon in a packed, tourist-friendly area of Barcelona at the peak of vacation season, and the victims came from well beyond the city's borders. Authorities said that 15 people had suffered serious injuries and that the death toll could rise. More than 100 people were hurt, said Joaquim Forn, the interior minister of the Catalan regional government.


  Josep Lluís Trapero, a senior Catalan police official, told reporters that two men were arrested in connection with the attack, a Moroccan national and a Spanish citizen from the enclave of Melilla. The driver is still thought to be at large, he said.


  Early Friday, police said they thwarted what they thought was an attempt at a second, connected attack, in the Catalan town of Cambrils, 60 miles southwest of Barcelona, by fatally shooting four suspects. A fifth suspect was injured. Seven other people were injured in the incident, including a police officer, police said. They offered no additional details.


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